Week 21 – Connecting Dots

A Coincidence or Divine meeting?

This weeks lesson was about Miracles. In it we learned to recognize that everything is a miracle! We just have to become conscious of it and become better observers and we can identify it everywhere.

Today I had an encounter with someone that was divinely organized. I was visiting my father at the hospital. It was just after 4pm, almost supper time. I find him in the cafeteria waiting with a few other people. I pull up a chair and sit down at the table and my father smiles from ear to ear. He calls me by my cousins name but he knows I am his daughter.

My father who has Alzhiemers is losing his speach. He has been using hand signals to speak for a little while now, but with me, today, he starts talking and chatting. I can probably understand only half of what he says. Today he was telling me about a girl in a wheelchair that comes into the cafeteria. People start to fill the cafeteria dining hall and my dad gets his food.

Halfway through his meal my dad gestures to a lady in a wheelchair. She immediatly comes by and says hello. I can see why my Dad is fond of her. She looks similar to me. She comes and gets a tray of food and sits with us.

In our short dinner conversation I find out lots of things that are remarkable. One that floored me was that she had a deceased sister that lived very close to me and that my children know her niece and nephew. They are my daughters best friends nieghbours and they go to the same school as my kids.

What are the chances of me visiting my father in the hospital in a city that has a population 500k residents, 2 hrs from the middle of nowhere where I live, and find such a strange far fetched connection?

Her story contains heartaches, tears, medical trauma, estrangement and loss. There was a divine reason for this meeting. It gave this woman hope to reunite with family she had thought she lost.

This was her miracle.

And I was made part of it.

She gave me a few items and one was a bracelet with a beautiful cross on it. I am grateful that I am able to be more observant and connect the dots to see the big picture.

Col 1:17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.


  1. Beautiful miraculous story…and you are in the midst…blessings!


  2. Wendy's Master Key

    What a wonderful miracle!! Thanks for sharing this amazing coincidence !! 🙂


  3. Trish

    Miracles everywhere. Every day. Continuous state of amazement.


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