Week 23 – It Takes Less Effort To Succeed Than To Fail

Have you ever struggled? and got frustrated with the struggle? Gotten angry at the situation and had emotions run high? Feel like you have been running in circles or a hamster wheel… for days, weeks, months or years? To end up in the same situation and struggle over and over again!

This week we learned that it takes less effort to succeed than to fail.

Struggling against yourself requires a lot of effort. Those frustrating emotions burn a lot of energy! Not only for yourself but those that are the closest to you. Emotions are highly contagious and can spread like a wildfire. If these struggles last for years and the emotions are negative then it can ruin and corrode the relationships that are supposed to support us.

We learned of the Og Mandino’s story this week. He had this very thing happen in his life. Here we are in MKMMA reading his inspirational words 3x a day. He turned his life from an upside down with finding his life purpose. He had been in the fight of his life, an alcoholic, ruined relationships and contemplating ending it all, when he wend to the Library and found a copy of Success Through Positive Mental Attitude by Napolean Hill and W. Clement Stone. He later would work for W. Clement Stone selling insurance. He had found his inner hero and he wanted to write. Doors had opened for him and things just “happened” to fall into place for him. Effortlessly. He became editor at Success Unlimited magazine that under his care went from 2000 subscribers to 155,000! He had found his dharma and would publish 22 books and become a best selling author.

This does not mean that there is no hard work involved. As we learned in this course that knowledge does not apply itself. There is hard mental labour to control those mindsets. It just means that he work becomes effortless with a Positive Mental Attitude. And it just gets done with a efficient “happy knack”. We no longer are in our way for becoming successful. There is no inner struggle holding us back.


  1. I too liked this week !


  2. Stay focused on your DMP, keep a positive mental attitude, and nothing will hold us back! 🙂


  3. Trish

    Beautiful, Catherine. With this awareness, as life goes on, effortlessness increases and the struggles diminish.. It’s a wonderful thing. Of course there will be challenges, but it’s always our response that determines the outcome! LOVE.


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