
Misc July 2009 087 Welcome to my Blog! My name is Catherine Osthaus and I am a wife and mother of two girls. I am writing this blog to chronicle my journey   through the Master Key Master Mind Alliance by Mark J. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and this course is about “how to acheive your dreams”  . My father was big dreamer and had given me many books such as the Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz as a child. He dreamed so big that he wanted to reforest the Sahara dessert and bring newly designed windmills that would be able to be set up by anybody with a wrench to thousands, no matter where they were located in the world, so the most remote village could have electricity.  I did not understand his lofty goals until I started reading the same books he was reading. To have success you must dream big and have a burning desire for those dreams to come true. This is the story of me making my dreams come true. To Follow my journey, hit the follow button and feel free to comment on anything!

To your journey,





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